Framework and conditions of use
The website www.centralis.ro is owned by SC Newra Developer SRL, having its registered office in Bucuresti, Str Pipera, no. 17, hereinafter referred to as www.centralis.ro or “Societatea”. The www.centralis.ro website is operated in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which are supplemented by the applicable legal provisions.
Attention: If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, we recommend that you do not use the site www.centralis.ro


Intellectual property
Future Imobiliare SRL holds all the intellectual property rights on the site, as well as on the logo, texts, images, videos, database, software, under the incidence of the national and international law on intellectual property. Thus, without the prior written permission of Future Imobiliare SRL, users or third parties may not copy, adapt, publish or reproduce in whole or in part any information found on the website www.venezuelaliving.ro.


Provisions regarding personal data
As a Personal Data Operator, Future Imobiliare SRL undertakes to respect your personal data and to comply with the applicable legal provisions on their protection, in particular the provisions of European Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of individuals in concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR).
For full details, see the Privacy Policy.


Website, software and service changes
Future Imobiliare SRL reserves the right to:
• modify or delete (temporarily or permanently) the website or any part of it without notice, not being responsible for such changes or deletions.
• modify, delete or discontinue any software, service or promotion at any time without notice, being not responsible for such changes or deletions.
• modify or discontinue any promotional campaign conducted online, and is not responsible for such changes or deletions.


Limitation of liability for the operation of the site
Future Imobiliare SRL does not guarantee the continuous availability of the site www.venezuelaliving.ro and / or its permanent operation in optimal technical parameters.
On the website www.venezuelaliving.ro there may be links to other sites that are not owned by Future Imobiliare SRL. These links are intended to provide additional information, but Future Imobiliare SRL is not responsible for their content, their privacy policy or the security of your data when you access any of these links.


Violation of terms and conditions
Users acknowledge that any breach of the terms and conditions will be penalized in accordance with applicable law.


Suspension or permanent cessation of services
Users have the obligation to comply with the terms and conditions mentioned in this document, non-compliance with them entails the sanction of suspension or cancellation of the right to use the site www.venezuelaliving.ro, without repairing any damage to the user. Future Imobiliare SRL has the right to claim compensation for losses caused by non-compliance with this document.


Applicable law
This document has the legal nature of a distance contract concluded between you as a user and Future Imobiliare SRL and is subject to Romanian law.


The competent court
Any dispute in which Future Imobiliare SRL is involved will be settled by the competent Romanian courts at its headquarters.


Str. Batiștei nr.14A, Sector 2, 020937, București



At vero eos et accusam et iusto odio

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digniss iducimus blan ditiis